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[Okino Computer Graphics]

Leaders in 3D Photo-Realistic Rendering &
3D Data/Scene/Animation Translation Software

This CDROM contain a demonstration version of Okino's popular PolyTrans Scene/NURBS/Animation Translation software for Windows NT/98/95.
To install PolyTrans for Windows run polytran.exe, or else change to the Okino directory on this CD and execute the single 'polytran.exe' file.
Please refer to the Okino WEB site for Silicon Graphics IRIX demos.
The demos also include special plug-in modules for 3DS MAX v1.2, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0. These modules provide 3DS MAX with the capability to import/export all the PolyTrans supported 3D file formats, including Lightwave, SoftImage, IGES, OpenFlight, Wavefront and dozens more. Click here to see the current list of supported file formats on the Okino WEB site.
To read relevant press releases and info about the 3DS MAX converters click here and here.
To view the (scanned) brochures online on the Okino WEB site, please click here.
Read further down this page for introductory information about PolyTrans.
All further links on this page will take you to pages located on the Okino WEB site. If you are not currently connected to the Internet, plese visit www.okino.com for extensive product information, information about each supported file format, image galleries, online brochures and much more.

PolyTrans(tm) v2, the most powerful and accurate 3d model translator of its kind!

Click Here for List of Supported 3D File Formats.

[PolyTrans Screen Snapshot]

Accurate, High Quality 3D Model Translation & Viewing (*)
Software for Microsoft Windows, Mac (¥) and SGI

(*) Graphical user interface only available for Microsoft Windows
(¥) Requires Softwindows® to run on Apple Macintosh. It works fine!

"PolyTrans is the premiere 3D conversion tool available today."
-Peter-Josesph Kovach, Dr. Dobbs Magazine Writer For 3D Graphics.

"PolyTrans is by far the most versatile (translator) with the most reliable results."
-Joe Morley, Sales & Marketing Director, REM Infografica (3D Models Bank).

"PolyTrans stands alone among 3D file format converters currently on the market."
-Brendon Perkins, 3D Design Magazine, May 1997.

"PolyTrans is the only tool we have found that can correctly convert our 3D databases."
-Ray Arell, Architecture Validation Engineer, Intel Corp.

"Kudos to Okino for a product that's worked *exactly* as advertised, and much more!
PolyTrans has proven to be a rock-solid, full-featured, easy-to-use and extremely
accurate translator for our Lightwave and 3D Studio MAX scenes. Even our most esoteric
scenes converted flawlessly
-Gord Davison, 3D Animator & Media Designer, IBM Laboratory ñ Media Design Studio.

PolyTrans is a powerful 3d model+animation translation and viewing tool which creates "Render Ready" models of the highest fidelity and accuracy. Using PolyTrans you'll never again have to spend hours hand-tweaking a translated model since PolyTrans converts every aspect of a 3d model, including all shading parameters, texture mapping coordinates, texture map information and (for selective converters) animation data. Just load the translated model into your favorite 3d program and press the render button - nothing could be simpler! PolyTrans is completely unique as a model translation tool since it utilizes an advanced photo-realistic 3d rendering engine, a 3d geometry toolkit, a trimmed NURBS toolkit and an animation conversion engine to perform complex translations between the most popular 3d file format standards. The geometry engine allows PolyTrans to translate between a wide variety of geometry types including optimized meshed polygons with recursive holes, random collections of polygons, NURBS patches, bicubic patches and quadric surfaces (super-ellipsoids, sphere, toroids, etc). The animation conversion engine allows PolyTrans to link together animation programs which use completely different animation mathematics, such as 3D Studio MAX® and Lightwave®.

As for the internal rendering engine, it is utilized to preserve all rendering-related information during file translation, including geometry smoothing (normals), bump mapping (U/V tangents), (u,v) texture coordinates, vertex colors and vertex opacity/transparency data, where applicable. The rendering engine is also used internally to perform exact translation of all texture mapping information, including bitmap filenames, scaling, offseting and all texture projection methods. When combined with its ability to convert all material information, lights, cameras and geometry hierarchy, PolyTrans is truly the most unique 3d data translation program currently available.

PolyTrans has been carefully written to import, optimize and export huge polygon datasets with very low memory usage and with no resulting performance degradation. As a typical example, a 5Mb DXF file can be imported into PolyTrans within 9 seconds, optimized and split-by-layer within another 50 seconds, then have the data exported to the Wavefront format in another 20 seconds (for a 133Mhz Pentium). No other program can compare to the performance, accuracy and features of PolyTrans.

Top 12 Reasons for Purchasing PolyTrans:

Excellent and complete support for the most popular 3D file formats
Industry innovator: animation & auto-bitmap conversions, trimmed NURBS & "Load & Render" conversions
A complete solution: converters, optimization tools, great GUI, extensive help
PolyTrans has the most conversion options bar none. A few examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Rather than selling 50+ converters, we specialize & perfect the top-dozen formats
Batch conversion of 3D file formats as well as all supported 2D bitmap file formats
The first & most cost effective commerical program to offer cutting-edge animation conversions
Personalized & fast turn around on technical support problems. Customer driven product development
Our customers are often quoted as saying "PolyTrans is an excellent product"
PolyTrans attacks and overcomes all the hardest translation problems
PolyTrans can process huge files quickly and with minimal memory usage
Handles all forms of geometry, including NURBS (& trim curves) and meshes

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For inquiries please contact Okino Computer Graphics at:

Toll free (North America): 1-888-3D-OKINO (1-888-336-5466)
FAX: 905-672-2706
Email: sales@okino.com

Okino Computer Graphics is proud to be an Alias MAYA«, Autodesk«, Kinetix«, Lightwave« and SoftImage« registered developer.

Copyright ⌐ 1994,1999 Okino Computer Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Certain names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases on any page accessible through this WEB server may constitute trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames of Okino Computer Graphics, Inc. or other entities which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Autodesk and 3D Studio are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. Please activate this link to view a list of trademarks, servicemarks, attributions and other legal information. NuGraf « is a registered trademark of Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.